The Jacob sheep give us a pleasant tweedy grey. This is made by carding together the black and the white wool from these smartly spotted and patched sheep. The different fibre colours in the yarn give it depth of texture and a feel of life. Jacob sheep have a fairly fine wool with a good staple length. As a result, the wool need not be spun so tightly. This gives it a very comfortable feel when knitting. Though the wool is more relaxed than the Shetland wool, the individual fibres are slightly thicker.
Our Jacob DK gives a robust yarn despite the fineness of the actual fibres. It knits comfortably with plenty of elasticity and give. Double Knitting is probably the most all-purpose of our yarns and offers plenty of scope for all knitters as well as being an excellent thickness for children to work with. We have this colour yarn in three different thicknesses, theis DK, the finer 4ply and the thicker Aran.
If you want to be creative with natural colours to the full, DK is the best yarn to choose because as well as the nine Shetland colours, and Chocolate Black from the Hebrideans we have two other Jacob colours, a dark grey we call charcloal and an off-white we have named after our wholemeal rye flour because the colour is so similar. There are thus many combinations available to you, from the subtle to the striking. Browse the product gallery for inspiration!