Open post

Tamarisk Farm Annual Open Day is back- Sunday 29th August 2021

A twist on our annual open day for these times of Covid, we are having a “by appointment only” open day with morning and evening tours.

They both follow the same format –

Morning session:

  • 10am market garden walk
  • 11.30am tea and cake
  • 12noon farm walk;

Afternoon session:

  • 1.30pm market garden walk
  • 2.30pm tea and cake
  • 3pm farm walk

The shop will be open throughout the day as well for any beef, lamb, mutton, sheepskins, flour, grains, knitting wool or eggs you might need.

Please book so that we know how many to expect. each session is limited to 30 people. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please note that these links will take you to the EventBrite website.

Open post

The Spice of Life (Bridport Times, May 2019)

We write monthly for the magazine Bridport Times. To see this article as originally published, view the pages on Issue.

Written by Ellen Simon

When I was a child, the only other farm in the village changed from being a mixed farm to an entirely arable farm. I don’t recall exactly when we stopped seeing the cows walking past the house for milking morning and evening and stopped seeing the milk-churns every day waiting on the solid stand of railway sleepers for collection by the milk lorry. Looking back, I can make an intelligent guess about it: I think it very likely that the farmer’s choice to stop dairying tied up with that collection of milk.

Continue reading “The Spice of Life (Bridport Times, May 2019)”
Open post

Putting the garden to bed (Bridport Times, November 2018)

We write monthly for the magazine Bridport Times. To see this article as originally published, view the pages on Issue.

I often get asked by people what on earth I grow over the winter. There is a pretty strong misconception that not much can manage over winter, and although it’s true that there is less variety of things that grow, and that what is in the ground really slows down, there is still a lot that’s harvestable and a lot to do in the garden regardless!

Continue reading “Putting the garden to bed (Bridport Times, November 2018)”

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