In the past there will have been more white Shetland than coloured ones in the flocks on the islands from which they came but in the south of England now, white Shetlands are less common than the coloured ones and we have worked to increase the proportion in our flock so that we can have the lighter colours of Shetland wool.
This light wool is spun using fawn and white fleeces carded together. This is a delicate colour and one which has been used in traditional Shetland woollies for a long time. Typically, it was used as the background colour of children’s jumpers and cardigans with a round yoke patterned in complex fairisle designs. With the current vogue for vintage clothes, a woolly like this would be welcome to many people – I’m knitting one for Leila right now!
This yarn works well both with simple stitches and lacy patterns as well the colour work and as bold modern patterns as well as the traditional stars and zigzags.